Successfull nutrition strategy ironman triathlon

Successfull nutrition strategy Ironman triathlon

Nutrition plays an important role in achieving a successful conclusion to an Ironman triathlon. After all, we do not have sufficient (glycogen) stock in our body to successfully complete the race without nutrition. Today, everyone is talking about more carbohydrates. 90, 100, 110 to even 120 g per hour. NutrID was the first to introduce…

The optimal ratio carbohydrates

The optimal ratio of carbohydrates

The absorption of carbohydrates via the intestinal epithelium is achieved by transport proteins. Glucose is transported by a sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1 (SGLT1). This protein becomes saturated with a high glucose intake of approximately 60g per hour. GLUT5 is another transporter that transports fructose. If both transporters are used simultaneously, it is possible to absorb…