About Kerosine & Bezine

What is the difference between Kerosine and Benzine?

The big difference between Kerosine and Benzine is the concentration. Kerosine is a hypertonic energy drink and Benzine is an isotonic drink. Kerosine can digest 90 – 120g of carbs an hour (depending on the choosen ratio). Benzine will take up 30-60g an hour. High amounts of carbs are needed during intense endurance events longer than 3 hours (Kerosine). Benzine is a ready to use drink. Kerosine you will intake shots and rinse away with water afterwards. For long endurance events (> 3 hours) Kerosine is your biggest friend. But know when intensity is low (during endurance training) you can also Benzine use for hours.

Which kerosine ratio do I choose?

Kerosine :

  • Ratio 2:1 > Race strategy based on digesting 90g of carbs an hour
  • Ratio 3:2 > Race strategy based on digesting 100g of carbs an hour
  • Ratio 1:1 > Race strategy based on digesting 120g of carbs an hour

KerosineRS+ :

  • Ratio 1:0 > Race strategy based on digesting 60g of carbs an hour (free of fructose)
  • Ratio 6:1 > Race strategy based on digesting 70g of carbs an hour
  • Ratio 3:1 > Race strategy based on digesting 80g of carbs an hour
  • Ratio 2:1 > Race strategy based on digesting 90g of carbs an hour

In an event there is the possibility to switch to a different strategy during the race. For example during a full distance Ironman triathlon your bike strategy can be up to 100g carbohydrates per hour and switch on the marathon towards 60-70g per hour.

The amount for racing depends on fat burning efficiency and also the individual fructose tolerance. Keep always in mind that later in a long distance event the digesting ability will be lower. So anticipate on this is a smart choice.

How do I know my fat and/or carb burning at race intensity?

To know how well developed your fat burning qualities are around race intensity you have to measure it by Vo2max Oxygen test of by doing lactate excercise test. Athletes who still have high amount of fat burning around race intensity can take less carbs than athletes with low fat burning qualities.

Should I add caffeine to my Kerosine(RS+)?

Science is clear : caffeine will improve performance. The individual response to caffeine is different for every person. Some athletes improve performance at low levels other need to take more to have the same effect. This is why NutrID offers personalised caffeine amounts. Start with 1 or 2 mg caffeine for every kilo of bodyweight and from there finetune your caffeine. 

Do I have to eat during my races?

We recommend not to eat during races. Consuming food besides the Kerosine is not a smart choice. The stomach and intestines are already maximal used by the Kerosine. Everything more can be too much. Your energy levels stay good with the Kersosine there will be no hungry feeling.

During training using the Benzine : when you do cycling longer than 2 hours add every hour a banana or ginger bread to your drinking nutrition. There is no need to buy expensive bars. It will not add more..

Why is NutrID not selling gels or bars?

The reason we are not selling gels or bars : for your best performance there is no need for this. During races we do not eat! During training we can. But in comparison with an energy bar a banana or a portion ginger bread will do exactly the same during training and less expensive.

How do I know if I am fructose intolerant?

A small group of athletes will develop stomach and intestines problems (cramps) when they consume (high amount of) fructose. They have to avoid or limit the amount of fructose in their sport nutrition. To find out if you are intolerant for fructose just test it! NutrID produces customized KerosineRS+, Benzine and REC Train free of fructose.

What you need to know about recovery

What do I have to do for fast recovery?

After you finished training or racing there are three factors important for fast recovery:

  1. Get hydrated! To have a good blood flow. Your blood should not be viscous.
  2. Get glycogen storage in muscles and liver refilled!
  3. Get some protein! Let the body start the protein synthesis!

An easy and effective way to get these three factors working DIRECTLY after training or racing is to use the NutrID REC Train (PB). You can customize your personal Rec Train with protein / carbs ratio, choose your protein type (animal or plant based), add optional extra Leucine.

The essential amino acid leucine plays important role in starting up the protein synthesis and  muscle preservation

Should I add extra leucine to my Rec Train or Rec Night?

The essential amino acid Leucine plays a key role in starting up protein synthesis and muscle preservation. Leucine is in smaller amount present in most protein. To increase the leucine amount in the REC Train of REC Night you can choose to add extra. The quality of your shake will become better. The taste of the shake will be little more bitter.

Which protein / carbs ratio will suit me?

It is important that your personalised recovery shake will bring your the right amount of carbohydrates and protein. For example : doing 4-6 hours bike rides will really burn you some energy! So refilling the glycogen (carbs) storage is important. A protein carbs ratio 25-75 for men of 50-50 for women is then right.  When you do shorter sessions with less calories burning you will probably go for ratio 50-50 (men) and 75-25 (women).